1. Shorter time, faster time
2. Longer time, slower time
3. Accelerate motion
4. Slow down motion
1. Shorter, faster
2. Longer, slower
3. Increase velocity
4. Decrease velocity
You cannot accelerate time of something – you can increase velocity of something
You cannot accelerate motion of something – you can increase velocity of something
You cannot slow down time of something – you can decrease velocity of something
You cannot slow down motion of something – you can decrease velocity of something
You cannot stop time of something – you can stop something
You cannot stop motion of something – you can stop something
because time (motion) doesn’t belong to physical entities.
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Linki prowadzące do stron autorów są przedmiotem oceny zainteresowanych czytelników, gdyż nie jestem w stanie ocenić zawartego w nich materiału, który oczywiście może okazać się częściowo lub w całości fałszywy. Tym nie mniej prace te mogą znacznie przyczynić się do znalezienia nowych dróg naukowych badań, odkryć lub rozwiązań.
The links leading to the pages of their authors are to be evaluated by the interested readers, as I am not able to appraise the material contained therein, which obviously could turn out false in some parts or entirely. Nevertheless, these works could significantly contribute to finding of new ways of scientific investigations, discoveries or solutions.
The links leading to the pages of their authors are to be evaluated by the interested readers, as I am not able to appraise the material contained therein, which obviously could turn out false in some parts or entirely. Nevertheless, these works could significantly contribute to finding of new ways of scientific investigations, discoveries or solutions.
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